I Bike Commute
iBikeCommute.com: we are selling this natural language, easy to remember and pronounce URL that conveys the meaning of a site in no uncertain terms.
Bike commuting overall has grown tremendously in recent times. A healthy lifestyle coupled together with businesses understanding that they need to cater to employee wants in order to increase retention makes for a solid foundation.
A website about bike commuting can be created with personalized features. A community approach is recommended. Affiliate and advertising earnings could be main revenue drivers.
Bike Commuting Statistics
The growth of bike commuting over the last two decades.
71% / 29%
The percentage of male (71%) and female (29%) bike commuters in the U.S.
Portland, Oregon​
The city with the highest percentage of bike commuters in the U.S.
The percent of bike commuters in Copenhagen, Denmark.